Social Development for Kids

Immersion in a Social Setting: All of our programming is done while parents and children are immersed in a social group setting so that we can be there as professionals to facilitate growth in the same types of settings that children spend most of their time in.

How Can We Help?

Our intake team is here to help and answer any questions you have.

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Insurance Accepted

We are in network with BlueCross, Tricare and we can work with most insurance companies

The Joint Commission

All our facilities have the Gold Seal to ensure you and your family are getting quality care.

What is social development?

It is the process in which children learn to interact with others around them. This area of development focuses on learning how to manage and regulate feelings and impulses in order to improve interactions with others.

Benefits of social development

Benefits may include positive self-regard, learning how to make and maintain positive friendships, and learning how to better manage disappointments such as coping with a disagreement.

Who needs social development?

Every child benefits from social development. It is an important part of our healthy development.

When is social development needed?

Social development is useful for all children throughout their childhood and adolescence, as it helps to develop social-communication skills, empathy and self-confidence.  Many children now need this work as there may have been opportunities lost at critical times because of the pandemic or ongoing periods of isolation.

Contact us & schedule a visit


Tell us more about what you're looking for, online or over the phone.

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Our Intake Specialists will take care of you, answer questions and help you decide if we are the right fit.

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